Energy and Environment Solutions

Energy Consulting
Energy and Environment Solutions is your comprehensive solution for reducing energy costs and increasing profits. We take a holistic approach that aligns with your organisation’s goals, objectives and budget.
Our team of engineers and consultants has extensive experience in all facets that improve efficiency and reduces costs, with a primary focus on energy.
We specialise in commercial, industrial and government facilities.
Give us a call to schedule a free consultation and determine just how much Energy and Environment Solutions can save you.
Energy Efficiency Audit
Engineering and Due Diligence
Develop Request for Proposal Package
Construction Management & Commissioning

Carbon Rebaits
Many kinds of energy efficiency measures will reap benefits:
Retrofitting existing systems or implementing new systems in:
HVAC, air conditioning systems
Lighting upgrades and controls
PFC power management
Renewable energy
Industry-specific energy abatement projects

Auditing And Estimating
The term energy audit is commonly used to describe a broad spectrum of energy studies ranging from a quick walk-through of a facility (to identify major problem areas ie quick wins) to a comprehensive analysis of the implications of alternative energy efficiency measures sufficient to satisfy the financial criteria of sophisticated investors
The analysis of building and utility data, including study of the installed equipment and analysis of energy bills;
The survey of the real operating conditions;
The understanding of the building behaviour and of the interactions with weather, occupancy and operating schedules;
The selection and the evaluation of energy conservation measures;
The estimation of energy saving potential;
The identification of customer concerns and needs.

Measurement and Verification
Measurement and Verification” (M&V) is the process of planning, measuring, collecting and analysing data for the purpose of verifying and reporting energy savings within an individual facility resulting from the implementation of energy conservation measures (ECMs).
Savings are determined by comparing measured use before and after implementation of a project, making appropriate adjustments for changes in conditions.
M&V activities consist of some or all of the following:
Meter installation calibration and maintenance
Data gathering and screening,
Development of a computation method and acceptable estimates,
Computations with measured data, and reporting, quality assurance, and third-party verification of reports